BARKA IS team countinues working in Reykjavik

Samningur við Barka undirritaður sl. föstudag. Frá vinstri Joanna Marcinkowska, frá mannréttindaskrifstofu, Dorota Harembska, frá Barka í London, Kristjana Gunnarsdóttir, Jóna Guðný Eyjólfsdóttir og Þóra Kemp fá velferðarsviði.

At the end of May, there was an official meeting with Barka IS coordinator and Reykjavikurborg representatives. Both parties mutually decided on extending and renewing the contract.
The new contract was signed on the 19th of June 2017.
You can read more about it here on the Reykjavikurborg website.
We are truly happy to be able to continue working in Iceland. Previous months have shown us how much Barka IS work is needed in Reykjavik.

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